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Small Claims

Stellar helps businesses with their own collection issues and will assist in the preparation with small claim matters in ND and MN courts.  Stellar does not provide legal advice.  Stellar will make collection calls, fill out forms and assist you with the process so you can follow the procedure to filing a small claims matter or resolve unattended collection issues your business may be experiencing.



A claim may be brought in Small Claims Court if:

  1. You want to recover money and the amount you want to recover is $15,000.00 or less; OR

  2. You want to cancel an agreement that involved material fraud, deception, misrepresentation, or false promise, and the amount of the agreement is $15,000.00 or less."  AND

  3. No more than six years has passed since the date of the debt or date of the last payment.





  1. You can file a claim in Conciliation Court for an amount up to $15,000, or $4,000 if the claim involves a consumer credit transaction. This is the limit set by law. You cannot file a claim involving title to real estate, libel, slander, class actions, or medical malpractice in Conciliation Court.

  2. Conciliation Court will not accept a claim that goes over the dollar limits. If you reduce your claim to the limit of Conciliation Court, you cannot claim more later. Getting a judgment in Conciliation Court may prevent you from bringing any other claims based on the same event.

  3. Getting a judgment in Conciliation Court does not guarantee payment. As you try to collect the judgment, you will have out-of-pocket expenses for filing fees, transcription costs, and other costs of collecting a judgment.




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